1.Can I bring someone to my session?

Your session is private. While partners/spouses/friends may want to be with you to witness this amazing event, you need to feel completely safe that you are in a safe place where confidentiality is strictly observed. Because of this, no one is allowed in your session. You are welcome to share your recording or any memories with them if you like.

2.What do I need to bring to my session?

The day of your session, you will bring the list of questions you want your Higher Self to answer. It may be easiest to list your questions under the following categories:

  1. Health and Body
  2. Life and Personal

We will talk about how easy it is to be guided into this deep state of relaxation to let go and allow yourself to have the experience. We will spend time getting to know each other and your reasons for wanting a session. We will talk about how easy it is to be guided into this deep state of relaxation to let go and allow yourself the experience.

3.How long is my session going to last?

We’ll talk about your life’s journey and go over your list of questions before we start the hypnosis process. Once we begin the process, you will be under approximately 1 ½ – 2 hours. This part of the session is recorded for you as some remember all, none or parts of the session.

4.Is past life regression included in the session?

You will be guided to 1-3 past lives or other experiences that will start to tell a story of why your life is the way it is. Your Higher Self chooses what to show you to best help you understand and answer the questions you have. It will also show you only what you are ready to see. The HIgher Self/Subconscious is the part of you that knows everything about you, loves you unconditionally and has support and knowledge to help you move forward in this life in the best possible way. It is also the loving part of you that can provide healing.

5.What happens after I experience past life regression?

In this deep relaxed hypnotic state we have access to much more than we consciously know.

Once we are finished looking at your past lives or other experiences, we will bring your HIgher Self forward. This is where AMAZING, DEEP INSIGHT and HEALING occurs. Being in the presence of your Higher Self is like being in Divine Love. I will go over your list of questions with your Higher Self and in most cases get answers for each one.

I have personally witnessed physical, emotional and mental healing in this process and watched as clients’ depression, physical symptoms and emotional issues are understood and dissolved. The best part is, YOU are HEALING YOURSELF in this experience. I am your guide.

The power of this experience is that you truly have the answers and ability to heal within you. You will witness You (your Higher Self) telling You ( your conscious self) what the root cause of emotional, physical and mental issues are and How the healing is taking place.

6.What does it feel after the session?

We will go over the answers you received and any healing that took place when you awake. Many clients report feeling lighter after the session and for some symptoms may be lessened or gone. LIstening to your recording following your session furthers your healing and assists you in making changes or following the guidance you received.

Your session may last between 4 – 6 hours. I only book one appointment a day to ensure all needed time and attention is given to each client.

7. How To Prepare For Your Session?

As soon as you make the decision to book a session, your Higher Self begins preparing you for it in ways you may or may not be aware of. You may receive messages or hunches about the questions to ask or notice synchronicities happening in your life. Trust these as you set your intention to easily access and receive the answers and healing you are requesting.

8.What to do before the session?

Prepare your list of questions. You may want to set aside time to contemplate what to ask or prefer to just jot down questions as they occur to you. Everything is welcome, no questions are off limits. Please place your most important questions at the top of your list.

It can be helpful to list your questions under these headings:

  1. Physical /Health
  2. Personal/Life

9.What to do with my list of questions?

While you are welcome to email your list of questions to me prior to your session, it is not necessary. You can just bring the list with you to your session. Please print or write your list neatly on paper. Please do not bring your list on your cell phone.

We will have about a 2 hour time frame to work within to be:

  1. Inducing you
  2. Exploring past live and/or other experiences
  3. Accessing your Higher Self to answer questions
  4. Bring you out of hypnosis

10.Talk with yourself before the session?

Setting your INTENTION to have a great session is key. Your conscious self (or Ego) needs to be reminded it will be taking a back seat or stepping aside in this experience. Our Ego likes to think it knows everything and in fact it knows very little. Our Higher Self is the one who knows everything about your soul and big picture of your life.

To help prepare your Ego to step aside, repeat this mantra several times a day, “ I easily connect with my Higher Self.”

11.Can I drink coffee before my session?

Please refrain from caffeine and skip your morning coffee.

Do anything that helps you clear your mind the morning of your session. This may be meditation, working out, going for a walk, listening to music, visualization….whatever works best for you.

12. Can I eat before my session?

Eat well, a light breakfast before you come in is best. Our session could be 6 hours or longer. You are welcome to bring a snack or light lunch if you like. I have water for you.

13. What to do the evening before my session?

The night before your session and the day of, please avoid drinking alcohol.